3/4 lb. Pork tenderloin or loin
1 beaten egg mixed with 1 Tablespoon water
Fine cracker crumbs or corn flake crumbs
Garlic clove, minced
Small onion, chopped finely
1/2 cup dry white wine (I've used Chardonnay and Marsala, both were delicious)
1/2 teaspoon cornstarch mixed in 1 Tablespoon cold water
Remove excess fat from meat and slice thin.
Mix together egg and water as egg wash for meat.
Gently cook onion and garlic in butter and remove from pan. You only want the onion cooked, not browned.
Toss sliced meat in egg wash and dredge in crumbs. Lay, single layer in hot butter in skillet. Turn to brown on both sides. Repeat for a second layer if all slices didn't fit into pan at one time. Add butter as you need to keep meat from becoming dry or sticking to skillet. Keep warm.
When all meat is browned, move to the side of pan. Put cooked onions back into pan. Add wine and another pat of butter into skillet. Bring to boil and add cornstarch and water mix after re-stirring it. Once it begins to bubble and thicken, return all meat to pan. Just warm through and serve. Sprinkle with parsley after spooning sauce over pork and pasta.

Gather ingredients.

Chop up onion, garlic and slice meat.

Onion and garlic in the skillet first with some butter to gently cook, not brown.

Once the onion is cooked, it will be removed, try to leave the butter behind in the pan.

Sliced pork goes into the egg wash then into crumbs. Layer into skillet to brown.

Flip and move the slices to brown evenly.

I've had to cook the pork in two shifts. I will add the onions back and make the sauce now.

To the onions, I add the wine and butter. Bring to a quick boil.

Once it boils, the alcohol is gone.

Now add the stirred cornstarch and water. Bring this to a boil while stirring it in the pan.

Once it thickens a bit, add back all your meat and warm it all up. It's all cooked, so don't overcook at this point. You just want to make sure all the meat is hot again.

I've paired it with hot pasta and a simple salad of sliced tomatoes with goat's cheese. After spooning sauce over meat and pasta, sprinkle with a little parsley for color. We'll add a splash of olive oil to the tomatoes, at the table.

Doesn't that look delicious? :D