Not just for St. Patrick's Day!
You can make this on the stovetop or in the crockpot. I thoroughly enjoy letting my crockpot do the work while I'm not home. So, that is my preferred method.
I like to lay the carrots on the bottom of the crock pot. They need to be submerged to cook well.
Lay your corned beef into the crockpot, on top of the carrots, pouring any juices in the bag, into the pot. Save out the spice packet. I shouldn't need to say this, but DO NOT cook the spice packet... :)
Cut up your cabbage into nice wedges. If you cook your corned beef in a large pot on the stove, you can get away with leaving the cabbage in quarters or even halves. To slide them in next to the meat in a crockpot, slice them into thinner wedges. I only used 1/2 of the head of cabbage here. Use as much as your family will eat.
If you will not be home all day, add your potatoes now. If you will be home, add the potatoes a couple hours before dinner. Just push them down into the pot so they are under water.
Pour enough water to submerge the vegetables in the bottom of the crock. Only up to about half of the meat. The food will also make more juices. We don't need a flood.
Pour the spice packet over the meat and vegetables now. Put the lid on and cook on low for 8 - 12 hours while you are out having a fun day!

Not so many ingredients.

Lay cleaned carrots in the bottom of the crockpot.

Let's get that cabbage ready.

Cut the core out. I make stabs all around the core rather than trying to cut all around in one curvy motion. That's a sure way to lose a thumb. :O

Ok, now the core lifts right out.

Slice in half. A nice long sharp knife works best. Just get it started and push down on both sides of the knife, keeping your fingers out of the way!

Now, wedge the half.

Lay cabbage in the crock.

Slide meat out of bag into crock, allowing all the juices from the bag to go into the crock.

Pull out that spice packet. Set it aside.

Pour water in to cover veggies and up about half the side of the meat. Don't cover the meat completely.

Now, sprinkle the spices over the top.

Cover and turn crockpot on LOW.

I will be home later, closer to dinner time, so I'll add the potatoes later. About an hour or so before dinner. I choose smallish potatoes and add them whole. They won't fall apart then as the get tender in the water.

All done! All done! Where are the plates? Some nice crusty French bread to go with and you are all set! Oh, don't forget the mustard! :)
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