Pepper or other seasoning
Instant read thermometer
Side dish suggestions:
Green Salad
Corn on the cob
Garlic Bread
Just in case I haven't said it before, I will never again own a grill that doesn't have a rotisserie on it. Once you have one, and see how indispensable it is, you never want to go without again.
Center your roast on the rotis rod and adjust in front of your back burner. I seasoned mine today with black and cayenne peppers.
Turn on the rotis and burner. Close lid to grill. Check after 30 minutes. Use the instant read thermometer. After 30 minutes, mine was 100*. After 45 minutes mine was 120*. 60 minutes mine was 140*.... PERFECT. Remove from grill and allow to rest, uncut, for 10 minutes. Cook your roast according to temperature measurements, not time. My roast was almost exactly 3lb. If your is over or under your cooking time will vary.
Cooking to 140* will allow for most of the meat to be medium rare. The ends are a bit more done.

Almost exactly 3lb. (3.1)

Center the meat in the middle of the cooking burner. Tighten the screws on the skewer rod.

I put a tray under the meat to catch drips. Grills get so messy already. Why add to it?


Black Pepper

Black pepper is on, now for the red.

Turn on the rotis burner. Close the lid and allow to cook undisturbed for 30 minutes.

Have your instant read thermometer ready.

We have 30 minutes. Let's work on the side dishes. Loaf of French Bread.

Slicing long ways, but not all the way through. Don't crack the binding! LOL! And old book analogy.

Corn on the cob into the water and cooking.

Peeled garlic, ready to smash!

Here we go...

Smashed garlic.

Spread the smashed garlic in the bread. Try not to crack the back of the bread. You want it to hold itself together.

See the garlic?

Now for some softened butter

Butter is all spread on.

Now, close the bread and slice into serving sizes. Again, not all the way through.

See how it's still attached?

Wrap in a double layer of foil. Seal well.

OK, it's been 30 minutes.

Let's check the temperature. It's 100 degrees. We are aiming for 140 degrees.

Put the bread on the grill, upside down. We'll come back in 15 minutes.

Prepare the butter for the corn.

I know that everyone knows this trick. But it's worth sharing if you don't. Cut the butter in half and peel half of the wrapper off so you have an end covered, for holding. And the other half unwrapped for wiping on the corn. Neat!

Now, just sit in the bowl to wait on dinner.

OK, it's been 45 minutes total. Meat is registering 120 degrees. Make sure not to run the thermometer against any of the metal rod in the meat. Needs, more time. Turn the bread over too.

OK, it's been one full hour. It's 140, right on the button. Time to remove from the grill. Leave the bread in the grill while meat is resting.

Sitting and resting on a serving platter. Don't cut or remove rods until after 10 minutes. You don't want all the juices to run out.

Does that not look delicious? YUM!

Bread looks nice too!

All we need now is that big salad I made!

Dig in, everyone!

And Watermelon for dessert!! What a great dinner!
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