A rack or two of ribs (I used pork, you can use beef or babyback ribs if you'd like)
BBQ Sauce of your choice, or homemade
A nice sharp knife
I slice my ribs ahead of time. I find that this is easiest. Place sliced ribs into an oven-proof roaster. Add an inch or so of water to steam.
Bake in slow oven (300F degrees) for two hours. (P.S. This step can be done ahead of time! Just save cooked ribs in the fridge for when you can put them on the grill!)
Remove from oven, place on hot grill and brown your ribs quickly. They are fully cooked so don't overcook them here. Just before you take them off the grill, slather with sauce.
Pass out plenty of napkins at the table!
BBQ Tip: I used to attempt to cook ribs fully on the grill. They never came out as tender as I would like. I also used to put BBQ sauce on right away and continue to sauce them as they cooked. What I usually ended with was burned on sauce and tough ribs. I had a friend who managed a rib joint and the ribs were to die for, so I asked what their secret was. She said they cooked the ribs fully before adding sauce. Basically dipping them in sauce before bringing them to the table. George and I had BBQ'd ribs at a friend's house one time and noticed that he took the ribs out of the oven before putting them on the grill. So, again, I asked why. Learning to become a better cook as time goes on is one of the great thrills of cooking. There's always good tips to learn.
I know I have many young folks on here that are just leaving for college, many even younger. Cooking is a trial and error process. No one is born a great cook. We learn as we go. And stealing answers is not frowned upon. :)
Happy eating!

I cut my ribs apart before cooking. A good sharp knife is all you need. Unless the ribs are extremely long, I cut two bones per section.

Layer ribs into roasting pan.

Add an inch or two of water to steam them. Cover and bake at 300* for about two hours or until tender.

After about 90 minutes, I check them to see how tender they are. It usually takes 90 - 120 minutes. Don't cook them until they fall apart. You'll have trouble turning them on the grill then. :)

Side dishes today are: Crispy hashbrowns and ....

Fresh from the farm sliced tomatoes!

After I have the sdiedishes going and just about done, I put the ribs on the grill. This part doesn't take long. I have a searing plate on the grill. You can see it there looking red, on the far right side. I have to rotate food over that and then away. It cooks much faster than the other areas. But I love it! I wish I could get a grill that was all searing plate! You can see those ribs browning first.

OK, everything is browned, so on goes the sauce. I sauce them and turn them one time to heat the sauce and get it sticking to the meat. Don't let it burn.

Onto the plate they go!

Let's eat!
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