Home Fries can easily be made with cold potatoes that are leftover. But this way is one way to make them in one pan fresh.
Oil (I used bacon fat)
Cut potato into bite-sized pieces, not too small. Place in frying pan with enough water to come about halfway up the potatoes. Add oil or bacon fat. Simmer until potatoes are almost done, remove lid if you used one and cook away the balance of the water, allowing the oil to fry up the potatoes. Turn them frequently after water is gone. Add additional oil, if needed. S&P to taste.

One large baking potato should be enough for two people as a side dish.

Cut potato into largish pieces.

Add water to frying pan.

Potatoes fried in bacon fat are heavenly. Use oil if you don't use bacon fat.
A tablespoon or two should be adequate.

Cover and simmer till almost done. If you have too much water,
just remove lid as cooking proceeds.

Once the potatoes are tender, and water has evaporated away, let the frying commence!
Turn often to make sure they brown evenly and don't burn.

Enjoy!! Chicken from the grill (rotisserie), home fries and spinach.

For those whose mouths are watering looking at the chicken,
this is what I used on the chicken before it went on the grill.
Rave reviews from the family! Got that at Costco,
although, you can buy the smaller bottles at any grocery store.
P.S. I know it says for steak, but it's just as good on chicken. Trust me! :)
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